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Joining a Men's Group for Food and Friendship - Tim's Story

Updated: Feb 15

Loneliness is a significant issue that affects many men, particularly those who are bereaved, living alone, or lacking social and support networks. Fortunately, in Gateshead, there are community groups and organisations that assist in addressing this issue, such as the Teams and Bensham Community Care charity.

One of the groups offered by the charity is the Men's Group, a social group providing food, activities and companionship to men aged 65 and over, every Monday and Thursday, at their centre on Bolam Street, Gateshead. Taking the first step to join a group or start something new can be daunting, but it can lead to many positive changes.

In this case study, we explore Tim's (not his real name) experience of joining the Men's Group after losing his wife and enduring a long period of isolation during the pandemic.

It demonstrates how joining a men's group for food and companionship can be a powerful antidote to loneliness and isolation.

Bereavement during the Pandemic

We first met Tim in June 2023. At the time, he was grieving his late wife and struggling to resume the activities he used to enjoy before the Coronavirus outbreak.

His daughter noticed an advert for the Men's Group at her local GP practice and encouraged him to try a social group during the day, to meet new people and improve his mental health.

The Home Assessment

With his daughter's help, Tim contacted the Teams and Bensham Community Care charity, and arranged a time for the charity to visit Tim and his daughter at home to conduct a home assessment.

The charity makes it a priority to conduct a home assessment for everyone thinking of joining the men's groups or lunch clubs. This is a great opportunity for people to learn more about the charity, ask questions, and ensure that our groups provide everything each person needs to feel at ease. Our men's group coordinator personally carries out these assessments, so there's always a familiar face on someone's first day.

During the assessment, the Men's Group coordinator spent time learning more about Tim, his interests, and how he was coping with his loss and loneliness. After hearing more about the group, Tim agreed to give it a try.

The First Few Weeks at the Men's Group

On his first day, our minibus drivers collected Tim from his home and when he arrived at our center, our Men's Group coordinator gave him a warm welcome. She had already found the right table for him to sit at, with other men who share common interest and experiences.

Within the first hour of attending the Men's Group, Tim began to feel at ease and made friends quickly. Over the next few weeks his new friendship group grew, as they shared stories, laughter, and supported each other when needed. He participated in the weekly bowls session and was great at the daily quiz. The two-course lunch and scones he could take home for later were also highlights of the day, especially since he had felt unmotivated to cook for himself at home.

How is Tim Today?

Tim's involvement in the Men's Group helped him overcome his loneliness, and he has since helped other men feel welcome and included on their first day. He has also started attending other activities in his local community and he going out independently with confidence again.

His daughter has noticed the positive change in his self-esteem and confidence, and is has given her peace of mind that his wellbeing has improved, he is enjoying a hot meal during the day, and having a great day out with friends.

Speaking of his experience of joining the group, Tim told us:

Coming to the men's group, I have made life-long friends. I'm making more of an effort to meet new people. That is because my confidence has grown, which has allowed me to grow. I'm not feeling as lonely and isolated, and it's great to have the support of my friends and the staff. Coming to the group, I feel like I'm part of something and that I can enjoy life instead of being on my own at home during the day.

If you or someone you know would like more information about the Teams and Bensham Community Care men’s groups, we're always happy to answer any questions, arrange a home visit or to help in any other way we can. Call our team on 0191 4600297.

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